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Tampa Sailing


Est. 1964
HomeSignup Wizard Preface 2

Membership Application

When you click on the Membership Application link on the next page, you will be taken to our membership application wizard that will prompt you to complete the information that we need to start your application process. Information on each page of the wizard explains what is required in the application, along with some information about yourself, your sailing experience, whether you already own a boat and why you want to become a member of TSS. Once you have completed the application, it will be received by the “MC” and within 1 to 3 days you will receive an email invoice from TSS for the Initiation Fee of $430 ($43 for Junior Members). This invoice must be paid by credit card and as soon as the invoice is paid, your application will be sent to the TSS Board of Directors for review at the next Board meeting (1st Monday of the month). Once your application has been reviewed and accepted by the Board, your initiation fee is non-refundable.